Gabriel joined CoBrALab in August 2014 when it made its transition from UofT’s CAMH to the McGill’s Douglas Brain Imaging Center. Prior to joining CoBrALab, Gabriel completed a Bachelor of Engineering and Ph.D. in Engineering Physics at McMaster University where he studied the role interfaces play in crystal growth for semiconductor applications.
In CoBrALab Gabriel fills the role of “expert generalist”, where any day he might be designing a low-cost animal perfusion rig, replacing a failed hard drive, writing C++ code for image registration tools, helping with the intricacies of a particular statistical analysis problem, or tweaking a neuroimaging pipeline to run more efficiently on 30,000 MRIs. Gabriel has a particular interest in working with new populations of structural imaging data, such as chimps, lizards, squirrels and muskrats.
For the 2019-2020 year, Gabriel holds an Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP) Research Scholar award, to support his Public Open Neuroscience Data Reduction (PONDR) project, where he seeks to process and publicly release neuroimaging derivatives for every public dataset he can get his hands on.
When Gabe is outside the lab, he’s busy nerding it up with a d20, or helping his 2-year-old memorize the periodic table.